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Core capabilities

 The core competence and indicators of ability our doctoral and master programs

Educational goal
Core Competence
Ability Indicators
Tocultivate professionals who engage in the educational trainingfor counselors and counseling psychology research.
1. Advanced knowledge in counseling and guidance.
1. To be proficient in psychological theory and related policies and issues.
2.To master and to criticizeabout important concepts and principles of core counseling theory and intervention strategies.
3. To understand the theory and principles of counseling supervision,and to enhance the knowledge and skills of the education.
2. Advanced abilitiesin practice on counseling and guidance.
1. To accuratelyutilizetheimportant concepts and principles of the modern core counseling theories,and todeveloppersonal style of counseling.
2. To be familiarwith the operation of the school counseling and community counseling system.
3. Independent research capabilities on counseling and guidance.
1. To understand the research theories and methods of guidance and counseling, using scientific evidences to support the outcomes of theoretical hypothesis and practice.
2. To master inthe principlesand essential of independent research and thesis writing,and be able toparticipate in academic activities and conferencesdomestically and internationally.
4. Ability of social interaction and social care.
1. To construct one’sown meaning of life,respecting for the value of individual’s life, and demonstrating effective interpersonal interaction skills.
2. To honorand respect for different cultural values,andexpressing concerns regardingsocial class, race and gender issues and activities.


The core competence and indicators of capacity of our master’sprogram in counseling psychology group
Educational goal
Core capabilities
Ability indicators
To cultivate licensed counseling psychology professionals who engage incommunity and school counseling
1. Advanced knowledge with counseling and guidance.
1. To be familiar with the basic concepts and important theories of counseling and guidance.
2. To be equipped with theknowledge and ability to integrate theories ofcounseling and guidance.
2. Advanced abilities in practice on counseling and guidance.
1.To be familiar with the knowledge and ability of counseling and guidance practice.
2.To be able to providecounseling and guidance in practice.
3.To value humanity.
4.To have theability ofpersonal interaction and expression.
3. Fundamental research knowledge and abilityon counseling and guidance.
1.Having knowledge and ability of basic research.
2.Having ability to research counseling and guidance related issues.


The core competence and indicators of ability of our master’sprogram in rehabilitation counseling group
Educational goal
Core Competence
Ability indicators
1.      To cultivate rehabilitation counseling professionals in the system of labor and policy.
2.      To cultivate rehabilitation counseling professionals in system for education.
3.      To cultivate rehabilitation counseling professionals in system ofsocial welfare and policy.
4.      To cultivate rehabilitation counseling professionals in system for medical rehabilitation.
5.      To cultivate rehabilitation counseling professionals who have the basic academic research abilities.
1.The knowledge of professional identities.
1.To understand the professional function of rehabilitation counseling professionals and the relationship with other humanservice professionals.
2.To Comply withthe philosophy and ethics ofrehabilitation counseling,andto practice following the standard of the law.
3.To value the independence,integration, empowerment, and self-determination of people with special needs,andto advocate for their rights.
2. Psychological, social and medical aspects of people with special needs.
1.To understand the physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation obstacles that people with special needs may encounter,and to develop coping strategies.
2.To respect individual differences, and to assist people with special needsin developing problem-solving abilities.
3.To understand the concepts and applications of human learning, personality development, addictive behavior, and pathology.
4.To understand the relationshipsamonghuman body, its function and disabilities,and to understand their corresponding illness and rehabilitationpatterns.
3. The knowledge and ability of career development and the resource of rehabilitation services.
1.To integrate career development theories and case management to assist people with special needs in planning career and vocational rehabilitation programs.
2.To promotethe strategies and programs for employers to hire people with special needs.
3. To use supportive strategies to assistpeople with special needsin stable employment.
4.To provide servicesbycooperating with other professionals, and integrating assistive technology and other resources.
4. The knowledge and ability of counseling and consultation.
1.To establish ethical professional relationship of rehabilitation counseling.
2.To be aware of clients’’psychological distress and career problems.
3.To properly utilize individual or group counseling inassistingclients to developpsychosocial adaptability and independence.
4.To be familiar with the theories and techniques of professional consultation.
5. The knowledge and ability of assessment.
1.To use a variety of assessment tools and methods to understand the potentials and limitations of clients.
2. To utilizetheassessment resultsin choosingappropriate rehabilitation goals and services with clients.
3.To assess the environment and make reasonable adjustments for disabilities with assistive technology.
6. The knowledge and ability of research and program evaluation.
1.To be able to collect literature and to elaborate the important knowledge and skillsin this field.
2.To applyresearch results to practice, including selection of interventions and program evaluations.
3.To use knowledge or ethics, laws and cultural issues to research and evaluation.